How to Get Started with Intelligent Document Processing

LLMs enable advanced data extraction and democratize this capability to the masses, which will significantly reduce the cost of adoption an IDP (Intelligent Document Processing) solution
— Masters of Automation

Intelligent Document Processing (IDP) has transformed data extraction and interpretation, evolving from traditional Optical Character Recognition (OCR) to leveraging advanced technologies such as AI and machine learning. This analysis will explore how integrating Generative Pre-trained Transformers (GPT), Large Action Models, and Large Language Models will disrupt the IDP market further, enhancing capabilities and expanding applications.

Current State of IDP

IDP technology currently automates the processing of complex documents by extracting, classifying, and verifying data. This not only reduces manual effort but also improves accuracy and efficiency. The existing systems utilize machine learning models to handle structured and unstructured data, adapting to various formats and languages. Despite significant advancements, challenges such as handling ambiguous data, context interpretation, and processing speed remain.

Impact of GPT and Large Language Models on IDP

Generative Pre-trained Transformers (GPT) and other large language models have revolutionized natural language processing, providing unprecedented text generation and understanding capabilities. Their potential impact on IDP includes:

  1. Enhanced Understanding: GPT models, with their deep learning capabilities, can understand context better than traditional models. This means they can interpret documents with high variability in structure and semantics more effectively.

  2. Increased Accuracy: These models continually learn from vast amounts of data, improving their ability to detect and correct errors in document processing.

  3. Automation of Complex Tasks: GPT and similar models can automate more complex tasks like summarizing content, translating languages, and even making decisions based on document analysis.

  4. Scalability: As these models handle larger datasets efficiently, they can scale up operations without a corresponding increase in errors or processing time.

Integration of Large Action Models in IDP

Large Action Models, a newer development in AI, focus on performing specific actions based on the data analysis. Their integration into IDP systems could lead to:

  1. Actionable Insights Generation: These models can not only process documents but also suggest actions based on the content. For example, identifying contract renewals, payment schedules, or compliance issues and initiating processes accordingly.

  2. Real-Time Processing: With the ability to act upon data almost instantaneously, these models can significantly speed up business processes, from procurement to customer service.

  3. Customization and Adaptability: They can be tailored to specific industries or departments within a company, offering customized solutions that are more effective than one-size-fits-all applications.

Market Disruption and Future Trends

The introduction of GPT, Large Language Models, and Large Action Models is set to disrupt the IDP market in several ways:

  1. Reduction in Operational Costs: Automation reduces labor costs and decreases the likelihood of errors, which can be costly.

  2. New Market Entrants: The barriers to entry for creating IDP solutions are lowering as these technologies become more accessible and easier to integrate, encouraging startups and innovations.

  3. Shift in Skill Requirements: As routine processing tasks become automated, the focus will shift to managing and improving AI systems, requiring new skills in the workforce.

  4. Regulatory and Ethical Considerations: As IDP systems handle increasingly sensitive information, ensuring privacy and compliance with data protection regulations becomes more complex.

Embracing the Future of Document Processing with LlamaParse: The First GenAI-Native Platform

In a significant stride towards harnessing the power of Large Language Models (LLMs) for data integration, LlamaIndex has unveiled its pioneering GenAI-native document parsing platform, LlamaParse. This cutting-edge platform is designed to revolutionize the way businesses and developers approach document parsing, offering a new level of efficiency and accuracy.

Transforming Document Parsing with GenAI

LlamaParse stands out as the world’s first document parsing platform that fully integrates Generative AI (GenAI) technologies to enhance the parsing process. Since its launch, the platform has rapidly gained traction, with over 2,000 users parsing more than one million pages in just three weeks. This remarkable adoption rate highlights the platform's robust capabilities and the growing demand for advanced document processing solutions.

The core innovation behind LlamaParse is its ability to use LLMs for parsing instructions. Users can now communicate their requirements in simple, natural language, enabling the platform to deliver tailored outputs without the typical complexities involved in traditional parsing. Whether extracting rich tables or navigating the intricate layouts of translated manga, LlamaParse's intelligent parsing instructions ensure unparalleled accuracy.

Advanced Features of LlamaParse

One of the standout features of LlamaParse is its JSON mode, which provides a structured, programmatic approach to document parsing. This mode is particularly beneficial for users seeking precise control over the parsing output, accommodating the full structure of the document including text, headings, tables (available as CSV and JSON), and even images with detailed metadata. For more insights, check out the JSON mode examples provided by LlamaIndex.

Furthermore, LlamaParse supports a wide array of document types, from PDFs and Microsoft Word documents to Apple Keynote presentations and ePub books. This versatility ensures that virtually any document type can be effectively parsed with minimal user intervention, simplifying the workflow for diverse applications.

Unlimited Parsing Potential

Recognizing the high demand for extensive document processing capabilities, LlamaParse offers scalable plans that go beyond the generous free daily limits. Users can opt for paid plans to process additional pages at an extremely cost-effective rate, ensuring that large-scale parsing needs are met without compromising on performance or budget.

Several startups have emerged as key players in this space, each offering innovative solutions to enhance document processing efficiency and accuracy.

Key Additional Startups in IDP

  1. Indico Data

    • Indico Data is recognized for its robust, user-friendly platforms that integrate machine learning technologies to automate the extraction and analysis of data from various document types. Their solutions are designed to minimize manual data entry and enhance operational efficiency1.

  2. Sensible

    • Founded in 2020, Sensible provides document automation APIs for developers of SaaS products, making it easier to integrate document processing capabilities into various applications. The company focuses on delivering a management dashboard for IDP projects, positioning itself as a "DevOps for Document Automation" solution10.

  3. Skwiz (now

    • Skwiz, which has been rebranded to, offers a cloud-based invoice data extraction API that utilizes machine learning models. After the release of ChatGPT, they rebuilt their product around Generative AI (GenAI) to enhance their data extraction capabilities, although they emphasize that LLMs and ML models are used in tandem for complex document cases10.


    • is notable for its AI software that quickly and accurately extracts OCR text, data, handwriting, and images from various documents. It provides high accuracy and integrates the extracted data directly into clients' systems, significantly reducing manual processing time4.

  5. KlearStack AI

    • KlearStack AI offers advanced document processing software that enables data extraction, document classification, and data validation without human intervention. Their technology focuses on automating the processing of complex documents, enhancing accuracy and efficiency20.

  6. Acodis

    • Founded in 2016, Acodis is pioneering in the field of document data extraction. Their Intelligent Document Processing platform classifies, extracts, and automates documents within various business processes, aiming to streamline operations across multiple industries5.

Emerging Trends and Technologies

These startups are part of a larger trend towards increasing automation in document processing. The integration of AI, particularly machine learning and natural language processing, allows these systems to handle a wide range of document types and formats, from structured forms to unstructured emails and reports. The ability to process and analyze this data not only speeds up workflows but also provides deeper insights into the content, enabling better decision-making and strategic planning.The IDP market is expected to continue growing, driven by the need for efficiency and accuracy in data handling across various sectors. As these technologies evolve, they are likely to become more integrated into the core operations of businesses, further transforming the landscape of document processing and data management.

Reduced Training Time and Cost: With the ability to leverage pre-trained models, organizations can reduce the time and resources spent on training IDP systems. LLMs can be fine-tuned with relatively smaller datasets specific to an organization’s needs, allowing for quicker deployment and scalability.

Adaptability and Flexibility: GPT and LLMs are highly adaptable to different types of documents and languages, which makes them invaluable for global organizations that deal with diverse data sets. This adaptability extends IDP’s applicability beyond traditional domains such as finance and legal to sectors like healthcare and public administration.

Creator & Host, Alp Uguray

Alp Uguray is a technologist and advisor with 5x UiPath (MVP) Most Valuable Professional Award and is a globally recognized expert on intelligent automation, AI (artificial intelligence), RPA, process mining, and enterprise digital transformation.

Alp is a Sales Engineer at Ashling Partners.


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